Wednesday, September 3, 2008



Well the day is here.. Our baby boy has officially started kindergarten. The start of elementary, a stepping stone in the growing up phases.. He was sooooo stinkin excited. He sat for 20 minutes asking if we could go yet. Chris and I took him to school, when the bell rang they lined up against the wall, there were some kids crying, some looking a bit nervous, and some without a care in the world. They were all so cute!! Then in he went. And a shocker.. I didn't cry.. I think I would have if Chris was not there.. but I made it through... YAY MOM!!

( Look how much bigger he is!)

Then he got home.. Oh we was soo happy and loving his class, they played bingo, and made a spiderweb, had a snack and played at recess. He made a friend, Jaxon and is soo excited to go back tomorrow and EVERYDAY!!


The Hauser's said...

I remember Breck's first day of school. Ya.. I cried a little.
But same as Jaden.. he LOVED it! Sure makes life a little easier doesn't it?

So.. Chilli's and Queso huh?

I'll be in SLC next weekend?? hehe

The Hauser's said...

Where is MY baby girl?? I want to see her.. get some pictures up of her mommy!