Sunday, December 14, 2008

How many times can you see Santa?

Is there a rule on how many times you can go see Santa, whether at the mall or elsewhere.. Does it give the kids a bad view of Christmas? We saw Santa down at a fundraiser but Kyla was in one of her moods...And she wanted nothing to do with him. So we got this picture!..

But we then went to the mall today and she wanted to go see him again and promised to smile this time around. But Santa was going to dinner so we missed him. But we told them we would go back and take their picture again with Santa since she was too shy this night to tell him what she wanted. So I guess in certain circumstances you can see him more than once...

Sunday, December 7, 2008

So big so fast

Addy is just growing like a weed. She is almost rolling over.. She tries sooo hard and then stops..sighs... and lays sprawled out on the floor.. temporarily giving up. She is also doing her daily crunches.. and trying to sit up. I just can't believe how fast they grow and change. The kids.. still love her to pieces and help me as much as they can. Jaden is obsessed with the Utah Jazz and Kyle Korver..
It is pretty cute. He thinks he is pretty cool getting to see and talk to Kyle at church now and then. He is going to school and has his best friend Jaxon who is the shortest kids in the class where Jaden is the tallest!! And then there is Kyla..
WHO loves her Grandma & Grandpa Roestenburg and wants to spend the night there all the time. She is mommy's little diva. And loves to wear dresses all the time. She comes to work with me on some days and is such a little helper.. They are soo excited for Christmas and had soo much fun decorating the tree that is now FULL of ornaments!!
And did I mention Addy has found her hands? I try and take pictures and all she wants to do is look at how cool her hands are!! Very funny

Thursday, November 27, 2008


So as we get into this Holiday season it is time to be thankful for the things we have. (now I am not thankful I was without a computer for almost 2 weeks..but) I am thankful that we bought the warranty that covers EVERYTHING... So now I have a brand new screen!!

I have heard something that I thought was interesting and that is if you live a Thankful life including keeping a thankful journal everyday stating what you are thankful for that you will be healthier, your cholesterol levels will be lower, your stress levels will be on the decline and you will be overall happier... I know somedays my list is smaller than others.. Than on the days you can't think of anything look back and you will be able to... We have so much to be thankful for. For starters.. I have 3 beautiful children.. I am thankful for a home, thankful for my dog.. even though she usually drives me crazy she is a GREAT alarm system for anyone that is close to my house. I am thankful for my extended Family that I can turn to during troubled times.. for a shoulder to cry on or for a place to get away from the stress of homelife. So remember in the bad times, you can be thankful for something as little as clean running water.. There are so many people that don't have that priviledge.

I am also thankful for my friends. I have some great friends who are like family to me and I know they love me and my family the same way. So on this rainy Thanksgiving day remember be thankful and you will not only live longer.. you will live happier..

Happy THANKsgiving!!!!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Halloween has Begun!!!

Sean, Jaden, Tierra, Addy and Kyla..(or Skeleton, Ninja, Black Fairy, Ladybug and Hannah Montana)

I do love Halloween.. It is so fun to dress up and just be silly. To be a kid again I just love it. .plus any excuse to have fun and party I am there.. This weekend we went to a carnival.. (a little hectic I won't lie) then we went to our good friends 30th bday party and Halloween party. Now I do have to say this is the FIRST year I have not decorated AT ALL for Halloween. I am a little bummed about it. It was just too hectic this year to pull it off. But I got to dress up at least once and that in and of itself made Halloween fun.
Mom as Raggedy Ann.... Dad as a personal trainer... And Joe as the Burger King!!

Growing up too fast

Yes time is about here...Addy will be 3 months shortly.. I can not believe it. Time just flies by. She is so smiley and such a good mellow baby.. and with my hectic life that is what I needed to not be committed to the psych ward.. Here is an updated picture. With an elephant from Grandma Mikey and sean made with love at Build a Bear.. Or as my kids say build an elephant...

Friday, October 24, 2008

LIttle girls and dressing up

I love that when little girls get together to play they almost ALWAYS dress up. I had a friends girls and they all dressed up in the cutest little dress ups. than I had another friends little girl and her and Kyla dressed up. I love it..
But I guess this is what I have to look forward to with Kyla and Addy when addy gets to walking age.. lol

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Growing up too young

Why is it when teenagers decide they want to be adults, they jump in and get pregnant. What a joke. We took this troubled girl and we loved her and we tried to help her and nothing worked. She is now pregnant and getting married to a 23 year old MAN.. The whole thing in my mind is sick. It is her parents way of not taking responsibility for her. That is why she ended up here in the first place. Then we find out information and I decided after all we have been through to share this information with this man and I get yelled at by my father in law and told to apoloize. Maybe the bigger thing to do is apologize, but when I believe the information, there is no reason to apologize. Especially with all we have been through and the things that have damaged my family. It is sad that people have to take sides with a liar.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

As Requested!

Ok here are some updated pics of Addy.. She is so sweet. She sleeps about 3 hours.. Yes that is all the sleep I get.. I am a little sleep deprived but I still LOVE having her here. The kids still love her and want to hold her and get in her face. Daddy loves her as well.. He gets up with her sometimes in the morning and lets me sleep a little. Not much but some!!

Here she is asleep.. more like passed out on Grammy's lap..
2 sets of 3 Generations... Kyla, Mommy, Addy and Grammy
Here she is asleep in Grammy's arms..
So there.. my 3rd child does get some pics taken. I had some done professionally at target and when I get those I will try and post them.. they are to die for!! Way Way cute!!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008



Well the day is here.. Our baby boy has officially started kindergarten. The start of elementary, a stepping stone in the growing up phases.. He was sooooo stinkin excited. He sat for 20 minutes asking if we could go yet. Chris and I took him to school, when the bell rang they lined up against the wall, there were some kids crying, some looking a bit nervous, and some without a care in the world. They were all so cute!! Then in he went. And a shocker.. I didn't cry.. I think I would have if Chris was not there.. but I made it through... YAY MOM!!

( Look how much bigger he is!)

Then he got home.. Oh we was soo happy and loving his class, they played bingo, and made a spiderweb, had a snack and played at recess. He made a friend, Jaxon and is soo excited to go back tomorrow and EVERYDAY!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Blessed with great friends

I just want to quikly say that God has truly blessed me with some amazing friends and people in my life. After having a baby I have had meals brought to me without hesitation. Can I tell you how nice it is not to have to worry about dinner.. especially with having been sick and so tired. I feel I can not catch up on sleep therefore the cold is lasting longer than wanted.. (as if any cold is ever wanted) But not only the dinners.. the phone calls and the gifts and emails. I thank God everyday for putting me around GREAT and I mean GREAT people. So an informal thank you to all those whom I love and love me back for being so amazing so loving and so thoughtful. I do hope that someday I will be able to repay you all for your kindness!!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Finally gone...

Well as of Sunday the jaundice is gone. Or at least going down. I have never seen so many different opinions that caused me to go slightly insane.. How can the same numbers in her results have different opinions in what to do?? So anyway... no more pricking the foot and I have transferred all my kids medical records to a different office. A new Dr that will hopefully result in better more consistent care of my babies.. Addy's first appt is tomorrow!!! Wish me luck!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


As some of you may know Addy has had Jaundice since she was in the hospital.. Her levels were a 12.5. She was in the special lights all day Friday at the hospital and the evening she came home as well as all night and Saturday morning. Then I was told to take her off, but get her checked again in the morning. So.. I went in Sunday morning and again they poked my baby's foot and I called the on call Dr to check the results, He calls me and says he can't check them now he is doing rounds... My first thought was umm ok then call me later when you do have time.. Don't call me and say I can't check them, just call me when you do.. Well I get a call later saying they were back up to a 12.6.. BUT don't put her back on lights? What? So I have 2 Dr's telling me different things..Can we say frustrated with this Dr's office.. grr.. So I take her in YET AGAIN to get her poor little foot poked and the little angel barely even woke up.. she was sooo good.. (and the ladies in the lab all love her now..) And yet again I call and tell the Dr's office to check the results and I get a call saying she had gone up to a 16.. A what?? So I start bawling and that is when I called my mom.. (which as she says.. I should have done in the first place.. she was a peds nurse for how many years??) She was great.. she totally calmed me and told me some things to do and I did them..(yes I do listen to my mother now and then) So I took her back and today her numbers are down, back to a 12.6... So she is in the lights until tonight.. which is good. cause I can't do another night like last night.. I think I got about 3 hours of sleep.. ugh..

Addy in her bed....

Monday, August 11, 2008


Aug 6th 2008.. We went into the hospital at 7:30... At about 8:00 they started the Amnio test. It didn't necessarily hurt, but he had to do it twice and with a need poking out of your tummy and a baby laying on your nerve I got really nauseous and light headed.. Ick.. I hate that feeling, however nothing is compared to the pubic bone pain that I have been dealing with. Well we waited til 10 am.. and the results came back positive!! So at that point the Dr, tried to break my water but I was so hurt and freakishly went back to the pain I felt when they broke my water with Jaden, (after 12 hours of un-medicated labor .. OUCH) So he barely nicked it and I sat and waited to get the pitocin started. At about 11 they started the pit, and on came the contractions, they we really tolerable, and as soon as they started getting harder, I asked for an epidural and at 12:30 or so they gave me one.. I was smooth sailing from there.. or so I thought. The Dr had checked me and I was dilated to a 2 and 60%.. not much at all... so they upped the pit and at 3:3o I was a 3+ and only about 80%. Chris was getting antsy, he thought we would be in and out in about an hour and half or so. hahahaha... So he was frustrated, which made me frustrated, and I was trying to be positive, but it was soo hard. Then about 4:15 I told Chris to go get food and come back. At that time I sent out a little text to a few people to say a prayer cause the Dr was concerned that the contractions were not doing anything and mentioned that a C section could happen with a 3rd.. He said it was rare.. but it could happen and we would see what the catheter said. So they place a catheter up against the baby to measure the strength of the contractions and I had to stay above a 200.. I started out at 211.. then 239... sounded good.. but then it was 189.. and I was distraught.. Chris was not back yet and I sat in silence in my room and prayed. I asked God to remind my body what it was made for..I asked God to help my baby come out safely. It was amazing in a text that my sister read it and headed out to me.. I wanted my mom.. I needed her comfort and my sister read into that.. So at 5:30 the nurse came in ( The best labor nurse ever) and she was gonna wait til 6 to check me but then decided she would check to just see.. she started and said "wow she has really dropped.. then her expression went.. oh wait she has really dropped oh and you are a 9!!!! I was sooo ecstatic.. I had a few friends praying for me as well as my step mom and kids had said a prayer. So I called Chris and he was home.. watching TV!! :) But also getting ready to leave in about 5 minutes.. So I said to him" I am a 9 and we are pushing soon.. so he dropped what he was doing and headed up.. as soon as he got there so did my sister.. It was a relief to just see her.. It was as close to my mom as I was gonna get.. since she is miles and miles away in Az. So my sis left just before 6 to go to costco and said she would come back when we were done and had the baby.. I started pushing and at the second one.. half way through I was told to stop.. cause she was right there and the dr was not.. Well he got there about 2 contractions later (that I had to not push when that is all I wanted to do.. ) And I pushed through 2 contractions and wham.. at 6:17 pm our little Addyson was born. She was beautiful.. 6lbs and 15 oz 19 1/2 inches long. And a head of dark hair.. What a day but we made it through.. Happy and healthy.. Here are some added pics of her.. She looks sooo much like her big sister..

Monday, August 4, 2008


Wow... so I guess I had it way to easy with my other kids in pregnancy. I made it to my due date or at least 5 days before and now I can barely make it 2 weeks.. and even now I am miserable. My feet hurt, my bones hurt, my hands and feet are swollen. My pubic bone hurts and hips.. Ok Enough complaining. I know that supposedly it is easier to carry around a baby now then it will be after I have her.. but I think I am ready. Or at least as ready as I can be. And what better blessing is it to see your kids sooo happy about a new baby in the house.

I am so ready to be able to move that I can deal with the sleepless nights and the crying baby, just to be able to bend over and paint my toenails!! haha! Well 2 more days.. Please keep us in your prayers. We will let you all know when we know!!!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

4 Year old perspective...

This is what I found while downloading some pictures. Kyla had taken my camera and snapped some photos. This is how a four year old sees the world

Than this is what happens when she likes to see pictures of herself.

The small things that entertain little children. It blows my mind the amount of money we pay for toys or movies or things.. and just give them a box or a roll of paper. They could be entertained for hours.. And what has happened to imagination. I tell you what.. my kids have not lost it.. but so many kids have and it saddens me.. That is how great minds are challenged. I will forever and ever encourage my kids to use their imagination and they can be ANYTHING!

Monday, July 7, 2008


Oh my, is all I can say. Went down to Yuba lake for the fourth and will NEVER go back.. The wind down there is awful. It was windy ALL weekend, and when I say windy.. I mean close to sandstorm windy.

Not to mention all the things that went wrong.. First our friends Rory and Cristina's boat decided to break down, so my dad's boat that we had towed them to Eagleview camp site. Thursday was actually an ok day, if it had stayed like that it would have been perfect. (but it didn't)
Then our air mattress... the one way I can camp at 8 1/2 months preggo, had a hole in it and it didn't stay pumped up, the first night I woke up VERY sore.
Then, Friday we got some tubing in and some, but no wakeboarding. That night we went to heat up dinner and we forgot the attachment for the stove.. and then we tried our friends stove and it was too windy. SO we ate cold hotdogs, fruit and veggies!


We then decided if Saturday was that windy we were leaving.. for one we had to figure out how to put a dead boat on a trailer. So Saturday started out breezy, we stayed then when it was too late for us to say lets go.. the wind started up.. and for hours is blew, we stayed enclosed under our friends biminy while the kids watched movies, and played a little bit in the water. That same day their tent zipper broke, so the sand in their tent was almost more than the sand out of their tent.
But all in all.. we survived, we had a great trip with great friends and we won't ever forget it. And believe it or not.. I complained less than my hubby. We all made the best out of a raunchy situation. The kids had fun, we had fun, and we learned that we will never go back.. Out of the 5 trips we have been to Yuba,... 2 have been clear with no wind.. So we will try a new lake...

Yes this is what I went with.. Isn't she a hottie...
She is also one of the greatest women I know, very strong and so amazing!!!
Here is me.. assembling Smores at 34 weeks preggo.. and cute sassy Cristina!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Oh the tiredness

Well tomorrow is 11 weeks. And oh am I ever tired.. I get home and I just want to sleep. so I sit and play on the computer.. When my laundry sits in piles all over the house. The kids run wild. The house stays dusty.. when does it end.. oh wait I am having my third child I am sure I will be tired for the next 18 years PLUS!!

On to other notes.. it is snowing AGAIN.. we got 7 inches yesterday and we are supposed to get MORE tonight and tomorrow.. Guess I will be staying in as much as possible!!! Snow Snow go away.. come back NEVER!!!! ok next winter would be ok!! I am ready for this snowy winter to be over...

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Sunday...a day of rest..hahahaha

Just when you think you can rest, Sunday seems to be one of the busiest days ever. After attending church, and serving at church then you come home only to leave again and visit family.. WOW.. But the kids just love to see their aunts and uncles, and grandparents.. Yet mommy is nauseous another day.. I guess I will keep downing the water and peeing 3 times an hour!!!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

A day of rememberance

Well a sad day to start posting. A friend and Neighbor Chad was killed today in a car accident while serving an LDS mission in Africa. I didn't know him all that well. We had talked a little when I did attend the LDS church. We have hung out with his mom and step dad a little more. It is so sad when things like this happen. He was such a neat kid. He built cars and loved his family. He has a little 13 year old brother who looked up to him. He got a long great with others.. Even his outgoing, drinking, nascar loving family. They were so different from him in that way but so much the same in the way the love others. Extra prayers are going out to him and his family tonight.