Monday, May 25, 2009


There is a process we all go through in every situation. I have gone through shock.. horror, disbelief... And now.. Anger, bitterness, resentment. Nothing can get us through these emotions as thoroughly as God. He has shown up in every way in my life lately. I may be going through crap, but he has brought me amazing people to not only help me go through this, but for me to help them through similar things. Together and with God we will endure. We have to have perseverence. We have to continue on with God as our only strength. Thank you dear friends who have come from literally nowhere.. Sent only from God to walk through side by side. It is a new day and I can conquer it and move forward with Him. What a blessing to know!


Kristy said...

You are one amazing woman!

Ganine said...

Aww.. Brookie!! I love you girl!! Keep hanging in there!

My Daily Circus said...

always here for you babe! No matter the way I heard coffee touchs the soul...wanna cup of healing?hehehe. Hugs tam